Can you imagine staying in a charming hotel in Granada just a hundred metres from the Alhambra? At the Hotel Alhambra Palace you can enjoy an exclusive experience full of history and magic. We will show you this unique place.

Discover the history of one of the
best charming accommodation in Granada

The idea of building a charming hotel in the centre of Granada came from the Duke of San Pedro de Galatino, who in 1905 decided to build the Hotel Casino Alhambra Palace.

This noble visionary was convinced of the charms of the Nasrid city as a tourist destination and the hotel soon became the nerve centre of Granada's social and cultural life.

Since its beginnings, this charming hotel in Granada, near the Alhambra, has attracted artists, nobles and kings. Today, the Alhambra Palace Hotel is still the place to stay for celebrities in Granada, as its characteristics make it unique.

Anyone who wants to sleep in Granada with charm chooses this hotel, whose garnet orange colour is reminiscent of the neighbouring Alhambra. Inside, the Alhambra Palace has an unmistakable neo-Nazari style, represented in the decoration by its mosaics, mirrors, arches and coffered ceilings.

This gorgeous charming hotel in the centre of Granada is full of light and oozes art from every corner, especially in ‘el Teatrillo del Palace’, which was once part of the casino and which holds so many stories after more than a century.

Our rooms are a living history of the culture of Granada. Here we have enjoyed flamenco singing, recitals or chamber music; all kinds of artistic performances that make the Hotel Alhambra Palace the best charming hotel in the province of Granada.

Experience the magic of sleeping

in a charming hotel in Granada near the Alhambra

But not only the common areas are full of reasons to choose us. The charming rooms of the Alhambra Palace Hotel are another magical reason to look for a charming accommodation in Granada.

You won't find a charming hotel that takes care of the details as we have done. Each of our rooms is designed to make you feel like one of those sultans who once lived in the Alhambra.

In three of our suites you will find spacious terraces with unbeatable views, surrounded by nature and with spectacular decorations in the purest Nasrid style.

You will be captivated by the decoration, as we offer you a charming hotel room, with Nasrid latticework and coffered ceilings of plasterwork, copper and hardwood that have been carefully preserved over more than a hundred years.

In total, we have 108 rooms and suites, all of them exterior and with fantastic views of the city of Granada and the Alhambra forest. We maintain the essence of the hotel's origins, adapting to the needs of today, so that our guests have a five-star experience.

Discover the exclusivity of the Alhambra Palace:
a charming luxury hotel in Granada

The Alhambra Palace Hotel is a charming luxury hotel that opens its doors to you without leaving a single detail unattended, because our aim is to offer you the most exclusive experience in an incomparable setting.

If there is a charming hotel in Granada and Spain that deserves a visit at least once in a lifetime, it is ours.

Our aim here is not to make you feel at home, but to ensure that you enjoy a unique and special stay that you will want to repeat. Allow yourself this luxury in the best charming hotel in Granada.


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