The best thing about Granada is to come back. And if you come back in autumn, you will probably find it with a special colour. Maybe it is that nostalgia that this season brings with its beauty, its colours of the early sunsets. The city of Granada is much more than just the Alhambra.

From Hotel Alhambra Palace we propose you to see Granada from other eyes, a new perspective that will fill your bag with much more than new memories.

Get your planner ready, here you have several plans of activities that, for sure, you won't be able to miss when you are here.


This peculiar neighbourhood of Granada has an unparalleled charm. Situated opposite the Alhambra and on each of the banks of the River Darro. It is one of the most emblematic places in Granada.

Cradle of flamenco, its origins date back to 1492 when they arrived from India through Europe, creating a traditional style of Granada house called a cave. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, when artists and romantic writers arrived in Granada, Flamenco emerged as an artistic expression appreciated worldwide. At that time, flamenco became a musical discipline and style, separating it exclusively from gypsy folklore. In fact, Lorca portrayed them in his verses through his Romancero Gitano.

Its name, literally, means Sacred Mountain. Although the reason for this name is not clear, some historians believe that it was so called by the Christians in the 14th century due to the presence of an ancient Muslim cemetery.

Another fundamental characteristic of this neighbourhood is its legends that run through every corner, one of the most outstanding of which is that of the Barranco de los Negros.

Views from the Sacromonte neighbourhood with its characteristic prickly pear cactus trees.

Currently, travellers from all over the world continue to enjoy this neighbourhood and its caves where you can enjoy Flamenco shows.


Granada is a must for all poetry lovers. Discover the city that was the birthplace of one of the most important and influential poets of the 20th century, Federico Garcia Lorca, and which was, without doubt, a source of inspiration for him. Even today, our city still preserves his latent imprint and you can visit his birthplace in the village of Fuente Vaqueros, without doubt the best starting point for a tour of Lorca's places in Granada. You can also visit the family's summer property in the Huerta de San Vicente, located in the city of Granada.

Federico Garcia Lorca in Hotel Alhambra Palace with Manuel de Falla and other artists

At Hotel Alhambra Palace, Lorca was a regular guest with other artists of his time where art was at the centre of the meetings and celebrations at the time. Our teatrillo has been witness to nights of poetry, music and theatre for more than 114 years. Visit it here

Granada es una ciudad donde el enamorado escribe mejor que en ninguna otra parte el nombre de su amor en el suelo”.

‑ Federico García Lorca ‑


The Catholic Monarchs marked a before and after in the history of Spain. The union of these two crowns, Aragon and Castilla, marked the end of the Middle Ages. The capture in 1492 of the Nazari kingdom of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold to fall during the reconquest, would almost completely unify the peninsula under a single dynasty.

Isabel and Fernando decided in 1504 that his mortal remains should be received in Granada, and for this reason the royal chapel was built next to the cathedral of Granada. This place was an authentic mirror of cultural and artistic evolution. Built in the Gothic style, it has a clearly differentiated image from the rest of the building.

Here you will find a great wealth of art: architecture, painting, textiles... etc. In addition, the Royal Chapel of Granada has a deep historical and human meaning. It is a place of veneration, as well as a museum space.

You can get your tickets here

Her children Juana de Castilla I and her husband Felipe el Hermoso also rest there.


The Sierra Nevada ski resort is one of the best autumn/winter plans in Granada. On its summits stand the Mulhacen, the highest peak of the peninsula, and Veleta, both distinctive silhouettes of the city of Granada that you can just see as soon as you enter the city.

The ski season is extended in Granada until 28 April, so there are still a few weeks left to enjoy the Sierra Nevada, the sunniest ski resort with a great variety of slopes and après-ski parties. You will also find plans for non-skiers. Find yours here

Also, for electronic music enthusiasts, Sierra Nevada is the location for the Sun & Snow music festival.

As you can see, Granada is a wide range of plans for your breaks. Do you already know when the next one is scheduled?


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